von Michaela | Feb. 16, 2022 | New reports
This summary article was first posted on Greenpeace France’s website. You can find it here in French. This research on the travel practices of young French people, entrusted by Greenpeace France to L’Obsoco, analyzes the tourist practices of young people...
von Michaela | Jan. 26, 2022 | Members, New reports
This summary was originally posted on the Ecologistas webpage. You can find it and the Spanish version here: https://www.ecologistasenaccion.org/187431/informe-los-biocombustibles-para-aviacion-en-el-estado-espanol/ Decarbonisation policies unclear and less than...
von Michaela | Jan. 21, 2022 | ATERRA, Solidarity
This article was originally published in Portuguese on 10 January 2022 on the ATERRA website to call for a solidarity protest at the trial of the Portuguese activist Kiko, who protested against the construction of a new airport in the metropolitan area of Lisbon back...
von Michaela | Dez. 20, 2021 | Information
Military emissions have evaded critical United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC) review for decades and continue to be exempted from international climate obligations in practice. The carbon footprint of the Pentagon from fuel usage alone is...
von Michaela | Dez. 10, 2021 | New reports
Biofuels are problematic and a false solution; real degrowth of the aviation sector is needed instead. The French organisation Canopée reiterated this in a new report that concludes that even using biofuels produced from “waste oils” for aviation has a devastating...