von Inês | Juni 2, 2024 | Actions, Press Release, private jets
Heute Morgen blockierten Demonstrant*innen den Zugang zum Flughafen Farnborough, dem größten Privatjet-Terminal im Vereinigten Königreich. Dies ist Teil einer internationalen Aktionswoche, mit der Protestierende in acht Ländern ihre Regierungen auffordern, Privatjets...
von Mira Kapfinger | Aug. 22, 2023 | Actions, private jets
In July activists in Ibiza carried out a week-long series of actions against luxury emissions and the 1% who cause them. „We are glued to a private jet at Ibiza airport because we are really terrified of the consequences of the climate crisis“. This is...
von Magdalena Heuwieser | Juni 2, 2023 | Press Release, private jets
Another missed opportunity to tackle luxury emissions 2nd of June, 2023 – Stay Grounded, a global network of more than 200 members organisations, has responded to the decision made by EU Transport Commissioner Adina Vălean to rule out a ban on private jets yesterday....
von Magdalena Heuwieser | Mai 23, 2023 | Actions, Press Release
UPDATE: ALL 102 CLIMATE ACTIVISTS WERE RELEASED, AFTER HAVING BEEN DETAINED FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS. Geneva, 23.05.2023 – One hundred climate activists from 17 countries supporting Greenpeace, Stay Grounded, Extinction Rebellion, Scientist Rebellion and other climate...
von Magdalena Heuwieser | Mai 23, 2023 | Actions, Press Release, private jets
Geneva, 23.05.2023 – A hundred climate activists supporting Greenpeace, Stay Grounded, Extinction Rebellion, Scientist Rebellion and other climate justice groups from 17 countries have disrupted Europe’s biggest sales fair of private jets, the annual European...