„No income, but clean air“ (Online Seminar – DE)
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/naturfreunde.de/
Tourism between economic necessity and climate change
27th of November 2021
2PM- 6PM (Benin, Germany) / 1PM – 5 PM (Senegal /Gambia) / 5:45 PM- 9:45 PM (Nepal)
2 PM* Welcome
2:15 PM The impact of the pandemic on tourism in Benin, Martial Kouderin / Credi ONG
2:45 PM Tourism in times of pandemic in Nepal, Nabaraj Adhikari / Naturfriends Nepal,
Section Pokhara
3:15 PM Discussion
4 PM A Rapid and Just Transition of Aviation: Shifting towards climate-just mobility,
Anne Kretzschmar / Stay Grounded + Input by Alexander Araya
4:50 PM Commentary on the lecture: Mamadou Mbodji / ASAN, Omar Jammeh / JustAct
5:10 PM Discussion
5:45 PM Conclusion
* Note this time is referred to the time in Germany and Benin.
Information & Registration
The online seminar will take place via „Zoom“. The event will be held in German and English with
simultaneous translation.
Dial-in details will be sent after registration.
Send your registration by 24.11.2021 to trautmann@naturfreunde.de