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In dieser Rubrik befinden sich aktuelle Informationen über die Flugverkehrsindustrie und Kampagnen gegen den Flugverkehr. Alle Artikel einer Kategorie erscheinen nach dem Klick auf die gelbe Schaltfläche mit dem Namen der Kategorie.

Oil Kills: Globaler Aufstand legt Flüge lahm und fordert ein Ende für fossile Brennstoffe
Über mehrere Wochen hinweg organisierten Aktivist*innen an Flughäfen in Europa, Nordamerika und Afrika groß angelegte Aktionen unter dem Banner "Oil Kills" und forderten ein Abkommen, um fossile Brennstoffe bis 2030 auslaufen zu lassen. Die Aktionen machten deutlich,...

Groups denounce London City Airport Expansion, in Fourth Day of Protests Targeting Airports
Airport protests are taking place in at least six countries today: the UK, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, Canada, and the USA. The protests come at the end of a week of civil disobedience during which Oil Kills disrupted airports in 10 countries across Europe...

Internationale Aktionswoche gegen Privatjets erreicht ihren Höhepunkt mit der Blockade des Flughafens Farnborough
Heute Morgen blockierten Demonstrant*innen den Zugang zum Flughafen Farnborough, dem größten Privatjet-Terminal im Vereinigten Königreich. Dies ist Teil einer internationalen Aktionswoche, mit der Protestierende in acht Ländern ihre Regierungen auffordern, Privatjets...

Two court victories on Schiphol airport and KLM airline!
Press Release on March 20th 2024 - Today, a historic verdict ruled that Schiphol Amsterdam airport has to reduce its flights to a maximum of 400,000 a year. Yesterday, another court ruled that the Dutch airline KLM has misled customers with its green claims. These...

New research showing the significant health issues of air traffic
NEW research shows just 20 airports produced the equivalent CO2 emissions of 58 coal plants Launched today, the 2024 ‘Airport Tracker’ – an update to the first global inventory of CO2 and local air pollutants from passenger and freight flights – shows the scale of...

Neuer Bericht des Flughafens Schiphol fordert eine Reduzierung des Luftverkehrs
25. Januar - Gestern veröffentlichte der Flughafen Schiphol neue Forschungsergebnisse, die zeigen, dass der Flugverkehr stark reduziert werden muss, um den Klimawandel aufzuhalten. Der Flughafen schlägt das Verursacherprinzip vor, mit Maßnahmen wie einer weltweiten...

Stay Grounded in review: 2023 – A year of sustained momentum
2023 was a busy year, with lots of growth and momentum in the movement and within the Stay Grounded network. We saw our network grow - reaching 215 members! - and numerous inventive and impactful actions against private jets, aviation growth, and destructive tourism....

People’s struggle against the proposed international airport in Nepal
Blog post by Bhola Bhattarai (NAFAN - National Forum For Advocacy Nepal) Tangiya Basti is the proposed site for the Nijgadh International Airport. But people living in Tangiya are being kept in the dark about this project. More than two thousand households, especially...

New chapter in conflict with industry that wants to ‚plant‘ jet fuel in the Amazon
Members of the Tembé nation were shot in Tomé-Açu on Monday August 7th 2023. Indigenous communities and quilombolas demand recognition of traditional territories in a dispute with the Brazil Biofuels group (BBF), a producer of palm oil that wants to sell biofuels to...

‚Jets & Yachts The Party’s Over‘: Activists glue themselves to a private jet in Ibiza
In July activists in Ibiza carried out a week-long series of actions against luxury emissions and the 1% who cause them. "We are glued to a private jet at Ibiza airport because we are really terrified of the consequences of the climate crisis". This is what Bilbo, an...