von Michaela | Apr. 6, 2023 | Webinar
In a world of climate crisis, it is essential to include workers’ voices in the necessary just transition of our society. Just recently, the European Transport Workers’ Federation published the report “Landing Desirable Jobs” arguing strongly for a long-term...
von Magdalena Heuwieser | Jan. 18, 2022 | New reports
Climate campaigners are coalescing around an agenda of no expansion of airports and the need for a long-term reduction of aviation. However, not all of these campaigns have incorporated worker perspectives to better understand the impact on jobs and changes to local...
von Michaela | Aug. 11, 2021 | Information
Let’s end them: Here’s why Opposition to air travel is growing rapidly due to its climate and public health impacts. Frequent flyer programmes (FFPs) – the most successful marketing scheme of all time[1] – have contributed to the airline industry’s growth and the...
von Magdalena Heuwieser | Feb. 1, 2021 | Opinion
This is your pilot speaking: brace for the greatest emergency of our lives Written by the pilot Dan Tipney It might seem hard to believe that just 17% of the global population have ever set foot on a commercial aircraft. However, no doubt like many who read this, for...
von Mira Kapfinger | Aug. 26, 2020 | Stay Grounded activities
The Stay Grounded network invites groups to join the French mobilization for a reduction of air traffic and a just transition towards a climate-safe transport system. Airlines in the European Union alone have been guaranteed an unprecedented €30 billion of government...