Members of the Tembé nation were shot in Tomé-Açu on Monday August 7th 2023. Indigenous communities and quilombolas demand recognition of traditional territories in a dispute with the Brazil Biofuels group (BBF), a producer of palm oil that wants to sell biofuels to...
Erfolg! Schiphol wird nachts geschlossen
Ursprünglich veröffentlicht auf Niederländisch von unserem Mitglied SchipholWatch, am 3. April 2023 Der jahrelange Kampf gegen Schiphol beginnt Früchte zu tragen. Schiphol wird nachts geschlossen. Dies sagte der Interim-Geschäftsführer Ruud Sondag dem Algemeen Dagblad...
Klimagerechtigkeit und Flugverkehr Kommunikationstraining für Aktivist*innen Möchtest du Teil einer Bewegung für eine faire und grüne Mobilität sein, oder Kampagnen zu Klimagerechtigkeit und Flugverkehr vorantreiben? Möchtet ihr in einem globalen Netzwerk von...
Military Aviation in Climate Policies: A Tradition of Camouflage
Military emissions have evaded critical United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC) review for decades and continue to be exempted from international climate obligations in practice. The carbon footprint of the Pentagon from fuel usage alone is...
The Troubling Story of Aviation‘s Greenwashing
Greenwashing is the corporate practice of making diverting sustainability claims to cover up a questionable environmental record. While there‘s a long record of oil companies misleading the public, it is now time to shed a light on the airline and airport industry‘s...
Frequent Flyer Programmes Incentivise Climate Destruction
Let’s end them: Here’s why Opposition to air travel is growing rapidly due to its climate and public health impacts. Frequent flyer programmes (FFPs) – the most successful marketing scheme of all time[1] – have contributed to the airline industry’s growth and the...
10 Gründe, weshalb es eine wirklich schlechte Idee ist, wieder zu fliegen wie vor Corona
Die Pandemie hat den Flugverkehr 2020 massiv reduziert und dem Klima eine kurze Atempause beschert. Aber wenn wir Corona hoffentlich in diesem Jahr überwinden – heben wir dann wieder ab wie zuvor? Wir sagen: Nein! Und hier 10 Gründe warum:1. Flüge vergrößern unseren...
Emissions Offsetting: a Modern Sale of Indulgences
Offsetting emissions from flights is a popular measure amongst organisations trying to implement more sustainable travel policies. However, offsets generally means no real change in behaviours and policies, and is virtually useless in terms of emissions reductions....
Electric flying unfeasible for longer distances
In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the use of electricity as a source of energy for aircraft. Is 'sustainable flying' within reach? An expert from the aviation industry explains.In order to answer this question, we first have to discuss the energy...
Paris airport expansion opposed by 67 mayors
France: 67 mayors, among them the current mayor of Paris, officially oppose the Roissy CDG airport expansion in an open letter to E. Macron. On Thursday 16th, a group of mayors representing more than sixty cities surrounding Paris gave a press conference on the topic...