Blog post by Bhola Bhattarai (NAFAN - National Forum For Advocacy Nepal) Tangiya Basti is the proposed site for the Nijgadh International Airport. But people living in Tangiya are being kept in the dark about this project. More than two thousand households, especially...
„Grün heißt am Boden bleiben!“ Webinar-Serie: Umfrage
AviAction: A stopover in Lille, towards the degrowth of aviation
Over 200 people met in October in Lille, northern France, for the second international conference of the Stay Grounded network. Faced with the climate crisis and the aviation industry’s ecocidal plans, they imagined joint actions to stop the expansion of airports,...
Klimagerechtigkeit und Flugverkehr Kommunikationstraining für Aktivist*innen Möchtest du Teil einer Bewegung für eine faire und grüne Mobilität sein, oder Kampagnen zu Klimagerechtigkeit und Flugverkehr vorantreiben? Möchtest du in einem globalen Netzwerk von...
New report on aviation biofuels in Spain by SG Member Ecologistas
This summary was originally posted on the Ecologistas webpage. You can find it and the Spanish version here: Decarbonisation policies unclear and less than...
26 COPs and still climate breakdown not arrested!
A blog post by Stay Grounded member RisingTideUK So, the mouldy green dust of the "climate Davos" has settled on another COP "negotiation". 27 years on and the story is still: can; kick; road. Rather than consigning coal, oil and gas to the past, the first mention in...
Protest actions around the globe against aviation greenwashing during COP26
Stop Greenwashing – Reduce Air Traffic Now! In the first days of November 2021, protest actions across the globe coordinated by Stay Grounded called for an end to aviation’s greenwashing and an effective reduction of air traffic. The diverse protests were part of the...
Stay Grounded In Review: 2020 – The Year That Changed Everything?
This was a difficult year for everyone. The pandemic that took us all by surprise and caused so much pain, also grounded most flights. We look back on a special, difficult year, but one that was also full of advances and successes for our network. After the...
Protest flour against Vienna Airport Expansion
In Austria, a coalition of local producers, citizens' initiatives and climate activists created the "3rd Runway Flour" made from organic wheat grown on the fields that Vienna International Airport wants to seal for a planned third runway. With the 3rd runway flour,...
Call to ban short haul flights in France
On July 3rd, Stay Grounded and its member Climate Action Network France (Réseau Action Climat), together with 15 other organisations, sent a letter to the French Minister of Ecological and Solidarity Transition demanding the government to limit domestic air...
Not every train is good – Why we have to say „NO to the Maya train“
All around the world people from our member groups are fighting against new airports or airport expansions. But a just and climate safe mobility is not only about reducing aviation and airports. It is about building a transport system and infrastructure that supports...
Stay Grounded Members
Stay Grounded Network membersJoin >> Find Members >> Regional GroupsThe Stay Grounded network consists of 227 member organisations around the world.Find a memberStay Grounded Regional GroupsIn some countries,...