Über mehrere Wochen hinweg organisierten Aktivist*innen an Flughäfen in Europa, Nordamerika und Afrika groß angelegte Aktionen unter dem Banner "Oil Kills" und forderten ein Abkommen, um fossile Brennstoffe bis 2030 auslaufen zu lassen. Die Aktionen machten deutlich,...
Groups denounce London City Airport Expansion, in Fourth Day of Protests Targeting Airports
Airport protests are taking place in at least six countries today: the UK, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, Canada, and the USA. The protests come at the end of a week of civil disobedience during which Oil Kills disrupted airports in 10 countries across Europe...
Internationale Aktionswoche gegen Privatjets erreicht ihren Höhepunkt mit der Blockade des Flughafens Farnborough
Heute Morgen blockierten Demonstrant*innen den Zugang zum Flughafen Farnborough, dem größten Privatjet-Terminal im Vereinigten Königreich. Dies ist Teil einer internationalen Aktionswoche, mit der Protestierende in acht Ländern ihre Regierungen auffordern, Privatjets...
People’s struggle against the proposed international airport in Nepal
Blog post by Bhola Bhattarai (NAFAN - National Forum For Advocacy Nepal) Tangiya Basti is the proposed site for the Nijgadh International Airport. But people living in Tangiya are being kept in the dark about this project. More than two thousand households, especially...
‚Jets & Yachts The Party’s Over‘: Activists glue themselves to a private jet in Ibiza
In July activists in Ibiza carried out a week-long series of actions against luxury emissions and the 1% who cause them. "We are glued to a private jet at Ibiza airport because we are really terrified of the consequences of the climate crisis". This is what Bilbo, an...
Hundred climate activists in custody in Geneva after peaceful protest against largest private aviation industry sales event in Europe
UPDATE: ALL 102 CLIMATE ACTIVISTS WERE RELEASED, AFTER HAVING BEEN DETAINED FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS. Geneva, 23.05.2023 – One hundred climate activists from 17 countries supporting Greenpeace, Stay Grounded, Extinction Rebellion, Scientist Rebellion and other climate...
One hundred climate activists block private jets at biggest sales event in Europe, protesting luxury mega-polluters
Geneva, 23.05.2023 – A hundred climate activists supporting Greenpeace, Stay Grounded, Extinction Rebellion, Scientist Rebellion and other climate justice groups from 17 countries have disrupted Europe’s biggest sales fair of private jets, the annual European...
Climate activists block private jet airport used by WEF guests
The access to the private jet airport in Altenrhein Switzerland was blocked by Debt for Climate activists, preventing the transfer of attendees arriving in Davos for the World Economic Forum. Their demands: cancellation of all foreign debt of countries in the Global...
AviAction: A stopover in Lille, towards the degrowth of aviation
Over 200 people met in October in Lille, northern France, for the second international conference of the Stay Grounded network. Faced with the climate crisis and the aviation industry’s ecocidal plans, they imagined joint actions to stop the expansion of airports,...
Protest actions around the globe against aviation greenwashing during COP26
Stop Greenwashing – Reduce Air Traffic Now! In the first days of November 2021, protest actions across the globe coordinated by Stay Grounded called for an end to aviation’s greenwashing and an effective reduction of air traffic. The diverse protests were part of the...
Klimaaktivisten blockieren Frachtflughafen Leipizig Halle aus Protest gegen geplanten Ausbau
Bericht über die Aktion von „Cancel LEJ“und dessen Auswirkungen: In der Nacht zum Samstag, dem 10.07.2021, haben sich 54 Klimaaktivist:innen auf einer LKWZufahrt zum DHL-Hub am Flughafen-Halle Leipzig friedlich versammelt und dadurch den Betriebsablauf gestört. Die...
Two years jail for denouncing Lisbon’s airport expansion?
From Inês Teles and Francisco Pedro, Aterra (member organisation Stay Grounded), originally posted on Movement Hub. The Portuguese government and VINCI corp plan to expand Lisbon airport and build a second one on a natural reserve. In response, the ATERRA campaign...
Protest flour against Vienna Airport Expansion
In Austria, a coalition of local producers, citizens' initiatives and climate activists created the "3rd Runway Flour" made from organic wheat grown on the fields that Vienna International Airport wants to seal for a planned third runway. With the 3rd runway flour,...
Aktion gegen Rettungspaket für Lufthansa
Ergebnisse heutiger Online-Pressekonferenz und Aktion zur Übergabe von Petition ans BMWi // 338 Organisationen und über 70.000 Menschen fordern in Kampagne #SavePeopleNotPlanes soziale und ökologische Konditionen für Rettung der Flugindustrie Berlin - 30. April 2020:...