Press Releases
Groups denounce London City Airport Expansion, in Fourth Day of Protests Targeting Airports
Airport protests are taking place in at least six countries today: the UK, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, Canada, and the USA. The protests come at the end of a week of civil disobedience during which Oil Kills disrupted airports in 10 countries across Europe...
Internationale Aktionswoche gegen Privatjets erreicht ihren Höhepunkt mit der Blockade des Flughafens Farnborough
Heute Morgen blockierten Demonstrant*innen den Zugang zum Flughafen Farnborough, dem größten Privatjet-Terminal im Vereinigten Königreich. Dies ist Teil einer internationalen Aktionswoche, mit der Protestierende in acht Ländern ihre Regierungen auffordern, Privatjets...
Two court victories on Schiphol airport and KLM airline!
Press Release on March 20th 2024 - Today, a historic verdict ruled that Schiphol Amsterdam airport has to reduce its flights to a maximum of 400,000 a year. Yesterday, another court ruled that the Dutch airline KLM has misled customers with its green claims. These...
New research showing the significant health issues of air traffic
NEW research shows just 20 airports produced the equivalent CO2 emissions of 58 coal plants Launched today, the 2024 ‘Airport Tracker’ – an update to the first global inventory of CO2 and local air pollutants from passenger and freight flights – shows the scale of...
Neuer Bericht des Flughafens Schiphol fordert eine Reduzierung des Luftverkehrs
25. Januar - Gestern veröffentlichte der Flughafen Schiphol neue Forschungsergebnisse, die zeigen, dass der Flugverkehr stark reduziert werden muss, um den Klimawandel aufzuhalten. Der Flughafen schlägt das Verursacherprinzip vor, mit Maßnahmen wie einer weltweiten...
EU Transport Council’s decision on private jets
Another missed opportunity to tackle luxury emissions 2nd of June, 2023 – Stay Grounded, a global network of more than 200 members organisations, has responded to the decision made by EU Transport Commissioner Adina Vălean to rule out a ban on private jets yesterday....
Hundred climate activists in custody in Geneva after peaceful protest against largest private aviation industry sales event in Europe
One hundred climate activists from 17 countries supporting Greenpeace, Stay Grounded, Extinction Rebellion, Scientist Rebellion and other climate justice groups are being temporarily detained after a peaceful protest against Europe’s largest private jet fair, the annual European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE) in Geneva. They remain in police custody. Activists report the use of pepper spray and injuries after the police intervention. Greenpeace, Stay Grounded, Extinction Rebellion and Scientist Rebellion, which are supported by activists, are extremely concerned about these reports of excessive use of force against the peaceful protesters and demand the immediate release of all those involved.
One hundred climate activists block private jets at biggest sales event in Europe, protesting luxury mega-polluters
Geneva, 23.05.2023 – A hundred climate activists supporting Greenpeace, Stay Grounded, Extinction Rebellion, Scientist Rebellion and other climate justice groups from 17 countries have disrupted Europe’s biggest sales fair of private jets, the annual European...
EU’s New Law on ‚Sustainable Aviation Fuels‘ Fails to Be Truly Sustainable
The new ReFuelEU law, part of the EU Fit for 55 package, was announced yesterday The Stay Grounded network fears this could lead to a massive demand for biomass and energy, competing with other sectors and leading to carbon colonialism The focus on 'Sustainable...
20+ Actions against Private Jets
Love in Action: Climate Activists and Scientists Target Private Jets on Valentine's Day Today, several blockades of private jet terminals took place around the globe. Protestors call for a ban on private jets, the taxation of frequent flyers and that polluters pay for...
Ryanair used misleading sustainability claims, says ACM NL
Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets requested Ryanair to change potentially false claims on sustainable flying, related to offsetting Important step in countering the aviation industry’s greenwashing attempts Vienna/Amsterdam, 25 January 2023 – After...
Werberat: AUA Werbung irreführend für Verbraucher
Austrian Airlines wurde vom Österreichischen Werberat wegen einer irreführenden Werbung für "CO₂-neutrales" Fliegen gerügt Rotterdam/Wien - 29.08.2022 - Diesen Sommer schaltete Austrian Airlines eine Werbung für einen “CO2-neutralen” Flug von Wien nach Venedig zum...
EU ETS Revision: Civil Society Calls on EU to Stop Ignoring Two-Thirds of Aviation’s Climate Impact
EU ETS Revision: Civil Society Calls on EU to Stop Ignoring Two-Thirds of Aviation's Climate Impact EU Parliament requested monitoring of non-CO2 effects in EU ETS Directive Aviation’s non-CO2 climate effects are twice as large as that of its CO2 alone - and need to...
Aviation Biofuels: Mega-Refinery Threatens Local Livelihoods and Ecosystems in Paraguay, New Case Study shows
Omega Green agrofuel (biofuel) refinery in Paraguay is one of largest agrofuel refineries in the world and the first one in South America Low demand for aviation agrofuels in Paraguay means that fuel will be produced for other people’s planes while local populations...
Kerosinsteuer für Flugverkehr: Vorschlag der EU-Kommission klimapolitisch ungenügend
Fit for 55 Klimaschutzplan der EU nicht ausreichend für den Flugverkehr. Geplante Einführung einer Kerosinsteuer ist sinnvoll, es gibt jedoch zu viele Ausnahmen.
EU Fit for 55 Aviation Rules: Too Many Loopholes and Too Slow
EU’s Proposed End of Kerosene Tax Exemption Welcomed, but Lacks Ambition Vienna/Brussels, July 14 2021 – Today, the EU Commission published its Fit for 55 climate package, which includes some changes for aviation. The Stay Grounded network welcomes the plan to end the...
Deutsche Luftfahrtkonferenz ignoriert Klimaabkommen
++ Klimaschädliche Wirkung des Flugverkehrs ist höher als veranschlagt ++ ROBIN WOOD und Netzwerk Stay Grounded fordern Reduktion des Flugverkehrs Berlin - 18.06.2021: Anlässlich der heutigen „Nationalen Luftfahrtkonferenz“ fordern ROBIN WOOD und das Netzwerk Stay...
Stay Grounded Condemns UK Supreme Court’s Go-ahead of Heathrow Expansion
UK Supreme Court ruled to overthrow decision to stop third runway // Stay Grounded condemns the Supreme Court’s decision // Airport expansion is incompatible with a climate-just future and the UK’s climate commitments London/Vienna, December 16 2020 – The UK Supreme...
33 organisations urge the EU to address the full climate impact of aviation now
New analysis for the European Commission underlines that aviation’s climate impact is far worse than widely claimed. Despite this, the European Commission is not proposing any meaningful action within the next few years Campaigners demand a sustained reduction of air...
Greenwashing: Advertising Code Committee Ruled Against Airline KLM
Claims for high use of biofuels debunked as misleading // More rulings could follow on the aviation industry’s greenwashing Vienna/Amsterdam, June 30th 2020: KLM just recently lost the case against Eric Stam, revealing the practice of the Dutch Airline of greenwashing...
CORSIA Baseline Change: Aviation’s Climate Regulation Is Broken Beyond Repair
Today, the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) unilaterally decided to change the baseline for the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) to 2019, further watering down an already extremely weak system....
9 billion bailout to Lufthansa
Find here the German press release of our member "Am Boden bleiben", critizicing the decision taken today on a 9 billion Euro bailout for the German airline Lufthansa, granted without any social or environmental conditions. The German activist group "Am Boden bleiben"...
Aktion gegen Rettungspaket für Lufthansa
Ergebnisse heutiger Online-Pressekonferenz und Aktion zur Übergabe von Petition ans BMWi // 338 Organisationen und über 70.000 Menschen fordern in Kampagne #SavePeopleNotPlanes soziale und ökologische Konditionen für Rettung der Flugindustrie Berlin - 30. April 2020:...
AUA-Staatshilfen: Zehn Maßnahmen für klimagerechten Umbau
Das Netzwerk Stay Grounded warnt angesichts der fortschreitenden Verhandlungen mit den Austrian Airlines vor bedingungslosen Staatshilfen für die Flugindustrie und präsentiert zehn Vorschläge für konkrete Maßnahmen, um den Flugverkehr angesichts der Coronakrise...
AUA-Staatshilfen: Keine Millionengeschenke auf Kosten des Klimas
Das Netzwerk Stay Grounded fordert Rettungspakete für die Flugindustrie an klare sozial-ökologische Kriterien und Klimapläne im Einklang mit dem 1,5°C-Limit zu koppeln. Ein entsprechender offener Brief an die Bundesregierung wird von 30 österreichischen Organisationen...
250 Organisations Demand Red Lines for Aviation Bailouts
#SavePeopleNotPlanes: Open letter demands that workers and the climate are put first 6th of April 2020 - Today, more than 250 organisations from 25 countries published an open letter directed to governments, urging them to resist any aviation lobby attempts to rush...
Airline bailouts: Save people, not planes
++ Version française ++ Today’s meeting of EU transport ministers must not provide unconditional bailouts for airlines. Stay Grounded Network demands funding for just transition and climate jobs. Vienna, 18th of March 2020: Today, an extraordinary meeting by EU...
Heathrow Third Runway Ruling: Milestone and Hope for other Struggles
The Stay Grounded Network is celebrating today's decision by the UK court of appeal to declare the construction of the planned third runway at Heathrow Airport illegal because the UK’s climate mitigation commitments and the Paris Agreement. The construction of the...
Filipino fishers join global climate strike
Filipino fisherfolk fighting against Bulcan Aerotropolis and wider infrastructure development, which is destroying wetland in Manila Bay, have started a mobilization called 'Fishers Rise Up!' 20/02/2020: Bulakan, Bulacan - The Fishers Rise Up! initiative includes a...